Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa
The following list includes only slides and tutorials where the individual or organisation has been added to the contributor list. This may not include the sum total of their contributions to the training materials (e.g. GTN css or design, tutorial datasets, workflow development, etc.) unless described by a news post.
- Extended Help for Differential Expression Analysis Tools
- Incomplete Dataset Download
- Finding BAM dataset identifiers
- Directly obtaining UCSC sourced *genome* identifiers
- Mismatched Chromosome identifiers and how to avoid them
- Downloading datasets
- Finding Datasets
- Moving datasets between Galaxy servers
- Datasets not downloading at all
- Using compressed fastq data as tool inputs
- Best practices for loading fastq data into Galaxy
- How do `fastq.gz` datasets relate to the `.fastqsanger` datatype metadata assignment?
- How to format fastq data for tools that require .fastqsanger format?
- Data retrieval with “NCBI SRA Tools” (fastq-dump)
- NCBI SRA sourced fastq data
- Downloading histories
- Finding Histories
- Tool doesn't recognize input datasets
- Forgot Password
- Changing acount email or password
GitHub Activity
github Issues Reported
32 Merged Pull Requests
See all of the github Pull Requests and github Commits by Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa.
Fixing Area in FAQs
Minor Changes in FAQs
Fixing FAQ format and links
Fixing minor errors in FAQs
Fixing FAQ Areas
Reviewed 6 PRs
We love our community reviewing each other's work!