Creating community content

Author(s) orcid logoWendi Bacon avatar Wendi Baconorcid logoSaskia Hiltemann avatar Saskia Hiltemann
Reviewers Saskia Hiltemann avatarWendi Bacon avatarHelena Rasche avatar
Creative Commons License: CC-BY Questions:
  • What content does my Topic automatically get from the GTN?

  • How can I make sure this data is collected well?

  • Signpost community leads and users to useful resources

  • Explain why metadata is key for such community resources

  • Provide a reference, rather than a tutorial

Time estimation: 30 minutes
Supporting Materials:
Published: Dec 20, 2024
Last modification: Dec 20, 2024
License: Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The GTN Framework is licensed under MIT
version Revision: 4

Galaxy Special Interest Group (SIG)s work hard to build and maintain training resources. The GTN has worked hard to acknowledge this and offer nice impact pages to communities.

Here is a list of resources that you can use!

  • We want this material to grow (similar to the ‘Creating content in markdown’ tutorial) so please do add further resources that can help communities!

In this tutorial, we will cover:

  1. Maintainer Home
  2. Community Home
  3. Topic usage statistics
  4. News widgets
  5. Workflow search
  6. Galaxy Community Activities calendar
  7. Conclusion

Maintainer Home

Maintaining resources is fundamental to the quality and usefulness of any software resource. We do not throw code over the wall!

To help topic maintainers to quickly recognise what materials need updating and fixing, topic Maintainer Homes were built.

Hands On: Go to your topic Maintainer Home
  1. Go to any GTN training topic of interest.
  2. Scroll down past the tutorials, and click on the “Maintainer Home” button

    The Maintainer Home pages shows the state of the topic and its materials in terms of which available GTN features are being used, adherence to best practices, and when tutorials have last been updated, and which tutorials are the most used, etc. This can help inform where to focus your efforts.

    You can find your Maintainer Home by

    1. Opening the GTN Topic page of your choice
    2. Scrolling down to the Community Resources section (below the list of tutorials)
    3. Clicking the Maintainer Home button

      screenshot of the community and maintainer homepage buttons

    For example, have a look at the Single Cell Maintainer Home

    screenshot of the single cell maintainer home page

  3. Explore the Maintainer Home!

You may instantly see some key information missing from tutorials, or how long its been since someone checked it! Time to update some materials!

You can see an example from the Single-cell topic below:

Community Home

Where the Maintainer Home helps you sustain your community, the Community Home helps you show off your community. An end-of-year gift in 2024, this page will sift through news, events, and GTN contributions for your community tag of interest (example: single-cell) and provide a beautiful visualization of your efforts.

Hands On: Go to your topic Community Home
  1. Go to any GTN training topic of interest.
  2. Scroll down past the tutorials, and click on the “Community Home” button

    The Community Home shows statistics for the topic (e.g. number of tutorials, slides, events, contributors, etc), as well as annual “Year in review” sections listing all new additions to the topic/community for each year.

    You can find your Community Home by

    1. Opening the GTN Topic page of your choice
    2. Scrolling down to the Community Resources section (below the list of tutorials)
    3. Clicking the Community Home button

      screenshot of the community and maintainer homepage buttons

    For example, have a look at the Single Cell Community Home

    screenshot of the single cell community home page

  3. Explore the Community Home!

You can see an example from the Single-cell topic below:

Topic usage statistics

Next up, you might want to know how many people are actually using your materials? Welcome to your Topic usage statistics! You may have already found this, actually, as it’s (currently) at the bottom of the Maintainer Home.

Hands On: Go to your topic usage statistics
  1. Go to any GTN training topic of interest.
  2. Scroll down past the tutorials, and click on the “Maintainer Home” button

    The Maintainer Home pages shows the state of the topic and its materials in terms of which available GTN features are being used, adherence to best practices, and when tutorials have last been updated, and which tutorials are the most used, etc. This can help inform where to focus your efforts.

    You can find your Maintainer Home by

    1. Opening the GTN Topic page of your choice
    2. Scrolling down to the Community Resources section (below the list of tutorials)
    3. Clicking the Maintainer Home button

      screenshot of the community and maintainer homepage buttons

    For example, have a look at the Single Cell Maintainer Home

    screenshot of the single cell maintainer home page

  3. Scroll down to the section “Statistics For Your Materials”
  4. Explore the usage statistics!

You can see an example from the Single-cell topic below.

News widgets

You can also embed news into your pages, subdomains/ Galaxy Labs, or even your Matrix channels.

Follow this documentation to learn how:

  1. GTN Feeds
  2. Bot integration into matrix
  1. You must be an Admin in the channel. Find this out by going to the channel and selecting Room info –> People, or clicking on the little circle images of people in a channel. Admins can make other admins.

  2. Go to Room info –> Extensions –> Add extension –> Feeds

  3. Under Subscribe to a feed, add a URL from this GTN feeds listing. Make sure that it ends in .xml. For example, would provide updates on any community-tagged GTN materials into the Matrix channel.

  4. Under Template, change the existing text to the following: $LINK: $SUMMARY

  5. Provide a reasonable name, and then hit Subscribe!

Details from Matrix are here:

You can see an example from the Single-cell topic below.

News and Events

Workflow search

Want to see all the workflows tagged with your community tag across public servers? Look no further!

Follow this documentation to learn how:

  1. Galaxy Pan-Galactic Workflow Search
  2. Workflow Search Querying

You can see an example from the Single-cell topic below.

Public workflows

Galaxy Community Activities calendar

We host a GoogleCalendar on the Galaxy Special Interest Group Hub page.

Add the following guest to all of your Google Calendar meeting events:

Then it will show up in the Galaxy Community Activities calendar!


congratulations Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end! Hopefully you think these resources are brilliant, and are making sure to tag everything (news, events, training materials, workflows, FAQs, you name it, you should tag it!) with your community tag!