Mass spectrometry: LC-MS preprocessing - advanced
last_modification Published: Feb 4, 2020
last_modification Last Updated: May 15, 2023
From raw files to data matrix
xcms - findChromPeaks
xcms - findChromPeaks - CentWave algorithm
xcms - findChromPeaks - CentWave algorithm
xcms - findChromPeaks - CentWave algorithm
xcms - findChromPeaks - CentWave algorithm
xcms - findChromPeaks - CentWave parameters
xcms - findChromPeaks - Parameters summary
xcms parameters | related to | description | examples |
ppm | m/z | fluctuation of m/z value (ppm) from scan to scan - depends on the mass spectrometer accuracy | 5… |
peakwidth | retention time | range of chromatographic peak width (second) | UPLC 10,40 / HPLC 20,120 |
mzdiff | m/z and retention time | minimum difference of m/z for peaks with overlapping retention time (coeluting peak) - must be negative to allow overlap | -0.001 or 0.05 |
prefilter (k, I) | Intensity | a peak must be present in k scans with an intensity greater than I | k=3,I=1000 |
snthresh | Intensity | signal/noise ratio threshold | 5… |
noise | Intensity | each centroid must be greater than the “noise” value | . |
xcms - groupChromPeaks
xcms - groupChromPeaks - Alignment group
xcms - groupChromPeaks - Alignment group
xcms - groupChromPeaks - Alignment group
xcms - groupChromPeaks - minFraction parameter
xcms - groupChromPeaks - Output
xcms - groupChromPeaks - Output
xcms - groupChromPeaks - Parameters summary
xcms parameters | related to | description | examples |
binSize | m/z | Size of m/z slices (bins). Range of m/z to be included in a group. Depends on mass spectrometer accuracy. | |
bw | retention time | Standart deviation of the gaussian metapeak that group peaks together. | HPLC 30s / UPLC 5s |
minFraction | samples | To be valid, a group must be found in at least minFraction*n samples, with n=number of samples for each class of samples. A minFraction=0.5 corresponds to 50%. | n=10, minFraction=0.5 => found in at least 5 samples |
max | number of ions | Maximum number of groups detected in a single m/z slices. | 10 or 50 |
xcms - adjustRtime
xcms - adjustRtime - PeakGroups algorithm
xcms - adjustRtime - PeakGroups - Parameters summary
xcms parameters | related to | description | examples |
smooth method | retention time | Regression model to model time deviation among samples (linear or loess). | linear or loess |
span | Degree of smoothing of the loess model. | 0.2 to 1 | |
extraPeaks | samples | Number of “extra” peaks used to define reference peaks (or well-behaved peaks) for modeling time deviation. Number of Peaks > number of samples. | default=1 |
minFraction (previously missing) | samples | Minimum proportion of samples with reference peaks. If blank samples are used, minFraction < (1 - proportion of blanks). | 1 - proportion of blank samples |
xcms - adjustRtime - Obiwrap algorithm
xcms - adjustRtime - Output
xcms - fillChromPeaks
Thank you!
This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors!