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Single-cell Formats and Resources





last_modification Published: Jul 26, 2024
last_modification Last Updated: Oct 4, 2024

Breakdown of single-cell data


How is single-cell data structured?


Overview of single-cell data




Basic structure of single-cell data


Speaker Notes

Single-cell data consists of 4 main components:

All complex single-cell data formats will contain these 4 main sections, it’s important to understand what these components are, how to identify them, and their importance in single-cell analysis

Gene expression matrix (Matrix)




Basic structure of single-cell data with the matrix section highlighted


Speaker Notes

The core component of single-cell data is the gene expression matrix. This is a 2D matrix representing the gene expression values for each gene in the sequenced cells.

Typically each row of the matrix represents the genes and the columns represent the cells. However, it is important to note that this is not always the case and some matrices may need to be transposed before further processing.

The matrix can come in two different forms: full or sparse.

Full matrices act as one large table where every entry contains a value, including genes that were not sequenced (in which case their value will be 0). This is the simplest format but can be inefficient to store as many of the values in the matrix are redundant.

A more compact method to store these values is with a sparse matrix. This is a compressed representation of the matrix that removes all values that contain no useful information whilst keeping track of the overall structure of the matrix.

Cell metadata (Barcodes)




Basic structure of single-cell data with the cells section highlighted


Speaker Notes

The first section of metadata that will be explored is the cell metadata, commonly referred to as barcodes when stored in a file. This contains metadata on each cell. This metadata includes the cell identifiers/barcodes, data on the origin of each cell, and quality control metrics generated with further analysis tools.

Cell barcodes consist of the 4 nucleotide letters and occasionally suffixed with a dash and a number (which has various meanings). If a file contains a column containing data in this format, then you are likely looking at cell metadata!

Gene metadata (Features)


Gene Symbol Ensembl ID
AIF1 ENSG00000204472
ACOXL-AS1 ENSG00000204581
RPS27P25 ENSG00000233247
AGR2 ENSG00000106541



Basic structure of single-cell data with the genes section highlighted


Speaker Notes

The next section of metadata to explore is the gene metadata. Commonly referred to as features when stored in a file. This contains metadata about each gene that was sequenced. This metadata includes gene identifiers/ensembl IDs, expression metrics and quality control metrics, both generated with additional analysis tools.

Gene identifiers typically consist of a sequence of letters and numbers. If a column in your file contains these types of values then your likely looking at the gene metadata! (If you’re unsure, performing an internet search on one of the potential gene names will likely reveal whether that string represents a gene)

Unstructured metadata




Basic structure of single-cell data with the other metadata section highlighted


Speaker Notes

The last section of metadata to explore is the unstructured metadata. This is data that is not associated with an individual cell or gene but instead the data as a whole. Because of this, the metadata contained here can vary, but may include information such as when the cells were sequenced, what sequencing platform was used, the source of the cell samples, etc.

Common single-cell data formats


What are the different formats for storing single-cell data?


Overview of the most common single-cell data formats

Basic single-cell formats

Speaker Notes

The following formats are fairly basic and only store sections of single-cell data (expression matrix, metadata, etc.)





Example of some single-cell data in tabular format


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Tabular files are the most basic format for storing single-cell data. This format stores: expression matrix, cell identifiers, and gene identifiers in a single file. The data is separated with either commas (for .csv) or tabs (for .tsv/Tabular).

Whilst being simplistic and easy to read, the tabular format does have limitations, mainly its inability to store any additional metadata outside of the gene or cell identifiers.

Matrix Market (MTX)




Basic structure of single-cell data with the matrix section highlighted


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The Matrix Market format (MTX) is common for storing the gene expression matrix. This stores the expression data in the more compressed sparse matrix form. This type of file will likely be found alongside two additional files for the cell metadata (barcodes) and the gene metadata (features).

Complex single-cell formats

Speaker Notes

The following formats/objects are more complex and can all support storing all 4 core sections of single-cell data:





Diagram showing an overview of the AnnData format


Speaker Notes

The AnnData format is a Python-based single-cell object built upon the HDF5 format. The primary library for performing single-cell analysis with AnnData objects is Scanpy.

It’s important to note that AnnData does not support sparse matrices, therefore large single-cell files with many expression values of zero will not be very efficient to store in memory.

Supported languages: Python

Supported packages: anndata





Basic structure of single-cell data


Speaker Notes

Loom is another format based on HDF5. Loom objects are supported in various different programming languages and supports sparse matrices making it efficient for large data files.

Supported languages:

Supported packages:





Basic structure of single-cell data


Speaker Notes

Seurat is an R-based format that is commonly used with the Seurat package (the naming convention is a bit confusing!). This is a software package that contains various processing and analysis tools for single-cell data.

Supported languages: R

Supported packages: seurat

Single Cell Experiment (SCE)




Basic structure of single-cell data


Speaker Notes

Single Cell Experiment (SCE) is another R-based format that is widely used within the Bioconductor ecosystem of tools for both processing and analysis of single-cell data.

Supported languages: R

Supported packages: SingleCellExperiment

CellDataSet (CDS)




Basic structure of single-cell data


Speaker Notes

CellDataSet (CDS) is the last of the R-based formats that is commonly used within the Monocle package which contains tools for performing various types of analysis.

Supported languages: R

Supported packages: monocle

Sources of single-cell data


Where are some sources to acquire public single-cell data?


Data sources

Repository Link to resource
Human Cell Atlas: Data Explorer
CellXGene Collection
Single Cell Portal
EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas

Speaker Notes

There are many publicly available sources for reusable single-cell data. The table shows some common sources for acquiring this data.

This table is not extensive and there are many other resources available!

Compressed Files




Basic structure of single-cell data


Speaker Notes

It is common for single-cell data to be stored in a compressed format in order to reduce filesizes and make transferring the data simpler. It is important to recognise when a file is compressed as using compressed data in downstream tools may cause errors to occur.

There are two forms of compression that are common:

Individual files are typically compressed with zip (.zip) or gzip (.gz) and should be unzipped prior to processing.

When data is stored in multiple files/folders they may be archived into a single file (commonly called a tarball), this is done with the TAR tool (.tar). Like individual file compression, you will need to untar/extract the .tar file before further processing.

Finally, it is also common for multiple files/folders to both be compressed and archived into a single file, this is indicated with the extension .tar.gz. In this case the data will need to be both unzipped and then extracted before the data is available in it’s original form.

Key Points

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! Galaxy Training Network Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.