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Galaxy Administrator Time Burden and Technology Usage


last_modification Published: Jul 10, 2024
last_modification Last Updated: Jul 10, 2024




Overview of Participants’ Galaxy Instances’

Active Users

.pull-left[Histogram of active users, showing a median of 20 and mean of 21, ranging from as few as 1-5 users and as many as 50]


Computing Method

.pull-left[Pie chart. Computing Method. Showing 11% Pulsar, 33% Local, 44% Batch scheduler & 11% Other]


Object Store Backend

.pull-left[Pie chart. Object store backend. Showing 11% Local, 44% NAS & 44% S3]


Ansible Usage

.pull-left[Pie chart. Ansible usage. Showing 78% positive.]

.pull-right[ Is a highly-used (about 80%) tool that, according to the other sections, greatly simplifies admin. ]

Gravity Usage

User Support & Training

End-User Support Burden

.pull-left[Histogram of the average monthly hours per month dedicated to end-user support. Showing a median of 5 and mean of 6. Large variability, ranging from 0 to 20.]


User Training Burden

.pull-left[Histogram of the average monthly hours per month dedicated to user training. Showing a median of 5 and mean of 6. Large variability, ranging from 0 to 10.]


Tool & Workflow Dev & Maintenance

User Tool Dev & Planemo Usage

.pull-left-large[ .image-45[Pie chart. Do users develop tools themselves? Showing 33% positive.] .image-45[Pie chart. If users develop tools themselves, do they use Planemo? Showing, once filtered, 33% positive.)] ]


Admin Workflow Dev Burden

.pull-left[Histogram of the average monthly hours per month dedicated to developing workflows, by the admin. Showing a median of 4 and mean of 3. Large variability, ranging from 0 to 8.]


Admin Tool Dev Planemo

.pull-left[Pie chart. Do admins use Planemo? Showing 56% positive.]


Admin Tool Dev Creation Burden

.pull-left[Histogram of the average monthly hours per month dedicated to creating tools, by the admin. Showing a median of 4 and mean of 6. Centered around 5, with an outlier at 20.]

.pull-right[ Small (1 hour per week avg.) amount of tool dev per month. ]

Admin Tool Dev Updating Burden

.pull-left[Histogram of the average monthly hours per month dedicated to updating tools, by the admin. Showing a median of 1.5 and mean of 4. Mostly 1, several others lower than 5, and an outlier at 16.]


##Tool Storage & Packaging

Admin Tool Dev Storage

.pull-left[Histogram of amount of admins that use certain tool storage types (multiple-choice question). Showing 7 local filesystem users, 3 public Mercurial toolshed users, and 1 blank answer]


Tool Dev Packaging Method

.pull-left[Histogram of amount of admins that use certain tool packaging methods (multiple-choice question). Showing 7 conda users, 2 container users, and 2 blank answers]

.pull-right[ Lots of Conda, a few containers. ]

Tool Dev Packaging Burden

.pull-left[Histogram of the average monthly hours per month dedicated to tool packaging. 100% answered 1.]


DB Tech

.pull-left[Pie chart. Database Technology. Showing 100% postgresql]


DB Schema Update Frequency

.pull-left[Histogram of the average number of months between upgrades of their Galaxy instance's database's schema. Showing a median of 12 and mean of 11. Large variability, ranging from 4 to 24.]


DB Schema Update Duration

.pull-left[Histogram of the average duration, in hours, a database schema migration takes. Showing a median of 1 and mean of 0.6. All answers were 0 or 1.]

.pull-right[ Is very quick and transparent (assuming Ansible usage) ]

DB Backup Frequency

.pull-left[Histogram of the average number of weeks between database back-ups. Showing a median of 1 and mean of 11. Nearly everyone answered 1, however there were 2 outliers at 12 and 52.]


Galaxy Version & Upgrades

Current Version & Upgrade Frequency

.pull-left-large[ .image-45[Histogram of the current Galaxy version. Showing a median of 22 and mean of 22. 2 using 21, 3 using 22 & 4 using 23.] .image-45[Histogram of the average number of months between upgrades of their Galaxy instance's version. Showing a median of 12 and mean of 12. Large variability, ranging from 4 to 24.] ]


Galaxy Upgrades Duration (excluding DB schema migration duration)

.pull-left[Histogram of the average duration, in hours, an upgrade takes. Showing a median of 3 and mean of 4. Mostly under 3, but a few values around 7.]


##Miscellaneous: Restarts, Crashes & Other

Intentional Restarts Frequency

.pull-left[Histogram of the number of intentional Galaxy restarts per year. Showing a median of 12 and a mean of 21. Lots of variability between 4 and 20. An outlier at 100.]


Crashes Frequency

.pull-left[Histogram of the number of crashes per year. Showing a median of 4 and a mean of 3. Lots of variability between 0 and 8.]


Other Recurrent Tasks Duration

.pull-left[Histogram of the amount of hours spent per month, on other administrative tasks not yet covered. Showing a median of 4, a mean of 14. Nearly all around 2, but a few outliers at 10, 40 and 50.]


##Take Home

Total Burden, Non-Dev Admin Tasks

.center[ Table showing how the total amount of non-dev admin tasks, in hours per month, was calculated. By showing the initial frequency (eg weekly, monthly, annually), the hours taken, and then multiplying the hours by the ratio to bring it to the monthly equivalent. Results: end-user support : 5, user training: 5, DB migration: 0, Galaxy upgrade: .3, DB back-up: 0, intentional restart: 1, crashes: .6, other: 3, total: 15.

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! page logo Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.