4th Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex NGS made easy

NGS Tuberculosis Drug-resistance transmission evolution one-health

Posted on: 8 July 2024 purlPURL: https://gxy.io/GTN:N00090

Tuberculosis (TB) is a big killer in many countries of the world, particularly in those with low and middle income. Next-generation sequencing has been key in improving our understanding of drug resistance acquisition and of transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Yet, the need for expertise guiding NGS implementation in laboratories and the lack of bioinformatic expertise, are main obstacles hindering the implementation of NGS into TB programs.

We have conceived a training combining pre-recorded webinars and hands-on bioinformatics tutorials, to present state-of-art TB-specific solutions for generating NGS data and its analysis.

On June 10-14th, we delivered the 4th edition of the training to circa 40 people from all over the world, who autonomously followed the webinars and hands-on bioinformatics tutorials and interacted with a panel of experts via real-time chat and live discussion sessions.

Thank you Galaxy!

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