Sentinel 5P data visualisation

Author(s) Marie Josse avatar Marie Josse
Reviewers Helena Rasche avatar
Creative Commons License: CC-BY Questions:
  • How to visualise volcanoes with Sentinel 5 data ?

  • How can we see the evolution of sulfur dioxide and aerosol index through time?

  • How can be used OpenEO ?

  • Learn to use OpenEO in a jupyterlab

  • Learn to handle satellite data

  • Practice on how to visualise netcdf data with Panoply

  • Handle going from one interactive tool to another

  • Learn to visualise gases around a volcano

Time estimation: 1 hour
Supporting Materials:
Published: Jan 26, 2024
Last modification: Jan 26, 2024
License: Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The GTN Framework is licensed under MIT
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version Revision: 1

Through this tutorial you will learn here how to access and download Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (CDSE) data through a jupyterlab Galaxy interactive tool :

This tool enables you to leverage the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem services and access data effortlessly. The JupyterLab service allows you to dive into data exploration, visualization, and analysis without the hassle of installing dependencies or downloading large data sets.

Then, you can visualise these data and process them with Panoply (plots geo-referenced and other arrays from netCDF, HDF, GRIB, and other datasets).

The purpose of this tutorial is to propose a user-friendly, interactive and efficient way to explore and jointly analyze remote sensing observations, from both the atmosphere and solid earth communities, for the monitoring of the volcanic activity in case of eruption and the multi-scale impact of volcanic emissions on the atmosphere.

Dataset of Sentinel 5P L2 from the 1st of April to the 30th of may 2021 of the Antilles. Especially of the La Soufriere Saint Vincent (Antilles) where a volcaninc erruption occured 9th of April. This dataset is focused on the dioxide sulfur (SO2) and Aerosol index (AI) spread out. Indeed, the knowledge of volcanic activity at a high temporal resolution is crucial for robustly determining large-scale impacts of volcanoes on atmosphere (air quality, air traffic) and climate. As such, this platform will be also of interest for scientists involved in the field of volcanic impacts at large, including institutions in charge of the monitoring of air quality and aviation safety.


In this tutorial, we will cover:

  1. Context on Galaxy
  2. Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem
  3. Visualise Sentinel 5
    1. Global view
    2. Georeferenced plot through time
    3. Create an animation through time
    4. Create a timeserie plot
  4. Conclusion

Context on Galaxy

Interactive tools are working differently than classical tools as it allows the user to interact with a dedicated graphical interface. This kind of tools is used to give access to Jupyter notebooks, RStudio or R Shiny apps for example.

You can come back to where you left off the tutorial anytime by clicking level.

Hands On: Log in to Galaxy
  1. Open your favorite browser (Chrome, Safari or Firefox as your browser, not Internet Explorer!)
  2. Browse to your Galaxy instance
  3. On the top pannel go to Login or Register

The Galaxy homepage is divided into three panels:

  • Tools on the left
  • Viewing panel in the middle
  • History of analysis and files on the right
Screenshot of the Galaxy interface, the tools panel is on the left, the main panel is in the center, and the history is on the right.Open image in new tab

Figure 1: Galaxy interface explanation

The first time you use Galaxy, there will be no files in your history panel.

Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem

Hands On: Launch the interactive tool
  1. Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem with the following parameters:
    • “Do you already have a notebook?”: Start with a fresh notebook
    • “Include data into the environment - optional “: You don’t need anything
  2. Click on Run Tool

    1. Go to User > Active InteractiveTools
    2. Wait for the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem to be running (Job Info)
    3. Click on Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem

Hands On: Navigate the jupyterlab
  1. Go in the notebooks folder and open a Bash window
  2. Write the following:
    Code In: Download the notebook
  1. Open the new notebook that appeared on the left
  2. You can start running your notebook. To do so you can go go on the pannel displaying button right above the notebook and click on the workflow-run. Everytime you press this button you can excecute a one by one the cells.
  3. In the Setup section when you execute the connection cell you’ll have some actions to conduct.
  4. First click ont the link appearing, you’re notebook should look like the following : Begining of the Sentinel 5 notebook  with the connection link visible.
  5. Once you clicked a new window opens. If you don’t have a copernicus account please create one and follow the instructions given.
  6. If you have an account sign in and then press the green YES Image of how does the connection page looks like.
  7. You’ll be redirected to a page letting you know the connection was a success Image of the successful connection.
  8. Now, you can go back on your jupyterlab and execute the rest of the notebook.
  9. Once you executed the entire notebook you should have a new file in the left pannel named
  10. Select the file there and click right, and then copy The copy command on the 3 netcdf files.
  11. Then go back to the root of your path and go in the ouputs folder. There you can click right and paste the file. The resulting file in the outputs folder.
  12. This part is now finished you just have to correctly close this notebook. On the top left click on files and then on Shut down. The shut down button to correctly close the jupyterlab.

In the jupyterlab go to :

  • notebooks
  • Then, openeo
  • Open the notebook Sentinel_3.ipynb You can see it’s relatively similar to the one you just worked on. You can adapt it as you want to retrieve Sentinel data of all kind.

Go back on your Galaxy window. After a couple minutes you should see your outputs turning green in your history.

Hands On: Clean your data

Firstly, you’ll can change the name of your new items by adding the extension at the end sentinel5_SO2 of your history into (for the 2 others and

  • Click on the galaxy-pencil pencil icon for the dataset to edit its attributes
  • In the central panel, change the Name field
  • Click the Save button

Check that your data are in netcdf format with galaxy-pencil, it should be netcdf

  • Click on the galaxy-pencil pencil icon for the dataset to edit its attributes
  • In the central panel, click galaxy-chart-select-data Datatypes tab on the top
  • In the galaxy-chart-select-data Assign Datatype, select nectdf from “New type” dropdown
    • Tip: you can start typing the datatype into the field to filter the dropdown menu
  • Click the Save button

Visualise Sentinel 5

Global view

Hands On: Visualise Sentinel 5 data with Panoply
  1. Panoply with the following parameters:
    • “netcdf”: select, and
  2. Run Tool
  3. Access Panoply
  1. Go to User > Active InteractiveTools
  2. Wait for the Panoply to be running (Job Info)
  3. Click on Panoply

If at one point your Panoply interface becomes blank, do NOT panic ;) you just need to reload your tab (circular arrow top left)

Once in the Panoply interface :

  1. In the pop-up window go select the 3 netcf files, and and then Open.
  2. In the bottom of this window you have the possibilty to select what you want to Show go there and select “Georeferenced variables” How to select Georeferenced variables.
  3. Select one of the 3 possible data and then on the top left press Create Plot
  4. In the pop-up window stay on the default choice “Create georeferenced Longitude-Latitude plot” and press Create Creation of a georeferenced plot.

You will obtain a world map like the folowing World map in panoply. You should see a colored spot in the Atlantic.

  1. On your keyboard press ctrl (or cmd on Mac) and select a rectangle around the colored spot to zoom in.
  2. In the “Overlay” tab in “Overlay 1:” select MWDB_Coasts_Countries_1.cnob, in order to see the islands delimitation on your map. Zoomed-in map of the colored data.
  3. Save your plot. Go on the top left to “File” then “Save Image As …” go in the output folder and save.

You can do the same plot for each data subset.

In the top of your graph there is a tab Window click on it there you should see the other graph made. An example here with the SO2 graph selected but you could switch to the AER_AI ones by checking one of their box. Image of how to switch graph.

Hands On: Visualise data through out time

Georeferenced plot through time

  • On you graph window in the “Array(s)” you can select the day you want too see. Selection of another date for your map. Some examples with changing the date : Example of the SO2 the 29th of May 2021. Example of the AER AI 354 the 29th of May 2021. Example of the AER AI 340 the 26th of May 2021.

Create an animation through time

From one of your previous plot window (the S02 one for instance), click on File and select Export Animation. Save your plot in “outputs” using either MOV or AVI format. It goes through each plot e.g. for each month and create an animation where you can see the evolution of SO2 variable from the 1st of April to the 30th of May 2021. You will be able to download the resulting movie from Galaxy once you quit Panoply.

Create a timeserie plot

  1. In the first tabular select the “SO2” variable and click on Create Plot
  2. There you need to check the box “Create horizontal line plot along t axis” and create Here, you should see timeserie as for the georeferenced plot you can swith from one day to another and also extract it as an animation through time.
Hands On: Quit Panoply correctly
  1. Go on the top left in File
  2. Select Quit Panoply
  3. Go back to your current Galaxy history and you should find Panoply outputs The new history with panoply outputs.
  4. On the top of the galaxy page click on the galaxy-scratchbook to activate the multi view.
  5. Then in the panoply outputs click on the galaxy-eye of each of the png images. You should be able to rearrange the windows to see each outputs Multi-view of the panoply plots.
  6. For the animated file go on galaxy-save Then, in your downloads you should have a small video that you can visualise on your computer. Video of the sulfur dioxide (SO2) evolution from april to may.


Now you have finished this tutorial. You leearned how to use a jupyterlab tool with OpenEO technologies to download data and how to visualise them with Panoply.