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# De Bruijn Graph Assembly
Simon Gladman
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slides](/training-material/topics/sequence-analysis/tutorials/quality-control/slides.html) - [
hands-on](/training-material/topics/sequence-analysis/tutorials/quality-control/tutorial.html) --- ### <i class="far fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">question</span> Questions - What are the factors that affect genome assembly? - How does Genome assembly work? --- ### <i class="fas fa-bullseye" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">objectives</span> Objectives - Perform an optimised Velvet assembly with the Velvet Optimiser - Compare this assembly with those we did in the basic tutorial - Perform an assembly using the SPAdes assembler. --- .enlarge120[ # ***De novo* Genome Assembly** ## **Part 2: De Bruijn Graph Assembly** ] #### With thanks to T Seemann, D Bulach, I Cooke and Simon Gladman --- .enlarge120[ # **de Bruijn Graphs** ] .pull-left[ * Named after Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn * Directed graph representing overlaps between sequences of symbols * Sequences can be reconstructed by moving between nodes in graph ] .pull-right[ .image-50[] ] --- .enlarge120[# **de Bruijn Graphs** * A directed graph of sequences of symbols * Nodes in the graph are k-mers * Edges represent consecutive k-mers (which overlap by k-1 symbols) ] Consider the 2 symbol alphabet (0 & 1) de Bruijn Graph for k =3  --- .enlarge120[# **Producing sequences** * Sequences of symbols are produced by moving through the graph ]  --- .enlarge120[ # **K-mers?** .pull-right[.image-25[]] <hr> * To be able to use de Bruijn graphs, we need reads of length **L** to overlap by **L-1** bases. * Not all reads will overlap another read perfectly. * Read errors * Coverage "holes" * Not all reads are the same length (depending on technology and quality cleanup) ***To help us get around these problems, we use all k-length subsequences of the reads, these are the k-mers.*** ] --- .enlarge120[ # **What are K-mers?** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **K-mers de Bruijn graph** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **K-mers de Bruijn graph** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **K-mers de Bruijn graph** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **K-mers de Bruijn graph** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **The problem of repeats** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **The problem of repeats** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **The problem of repeats** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **The problem of repeats** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **Different k** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **Different k** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **Different k** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **Different k** .pull-right[.image-25[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **Choose k wisely** .pull-right[.image-25[]]] .enlarge120[ * Lower k * More connections * Less chance of resolving small repeats * Higher k-mer coverage * Higher k * Less connections * More chance of resolving small repeats * Lower k-mer coverage ***Optimum value for k will balance these effects.*** ] --- .enlarge120[ # **Read errors** .pull-right[.image-25[]]] .image-75[]  --- .enlarge120[ # **Read errors** .pull-right[.image-25[]]] .image-75[]  --- .enlarge120[ # **Read errors** .pull-right[.image-25[]]] .image-75[]  --- .enlarge120[ # **Read errors** .pull-right[.image-25[]]] .image-75[]  --- .enlarge120[ # **More coverage** .pull-right[.image-50[]]] .enlarge120[ * Errors won't be duplicated in every read * Most reads will be error free * We can count the frequency of each k-mer * Annotate the graph with the frequencies * Use the frequency data to clean the de Bruijn graph ***More coverage depth will help overcome errors!*** ] --- .enlarge120[ # **Read errors revisited** .pull-right[.image-50[]]]  --- .enlarge120[ # **Another parameter - coverage cutoff**] .enlarge120[ * At what point is a low coverage indicative of an error? * Can we ignore low coverage nodes and paths? * This is a new assembly parameter ***Coverage cutoff*** ] --- .enlarge120[ # **de Bruijn graph assembly process**] .enlarge120[ 1. Select a value for k 2. "Hash" the reads (make the kmers) 3. Count the kmers 4. Make the de Bruijn graph 5. **Perform graph simplification steps** - use cov cutoff 6. Read off contigs from simplified graph ] --- .enlarge120[ # **Graph simplification**] ## Step 1: Chain merging  --- .enlarge120[ # **Graph simplification**] ## Step 2: Tip clipping  --- .enlarge120[ # **Graph simplification**] .pull-left[  ] .pull-right[ ## Step 3: Bubble collapsing * Detect redundant paths through graph * Compare the paths using sequence alignment * If similar, merge the paths .reduce70[Image: Zerbino & Birney 2008] ] --- .enlarge120[ # **Graph simplification** ## Step 4: Remove low coverage nodes * Remove erroneous nodes and connections using the "coverage cutoff" * Genuine short nodes will have a high coverage ] --- .enlarge120[ # **Make contigs** * Find an unbalanced node in the graph * Follow the chain of nodes and "read off" the bases to produce the contigs * Where there is an ambiguous divergence/convergence, stop the current contig and start a new one. * Re-trace the reads through the contigs to help with repeat resolution ] --- .enlarge120[ # **Velvet** Velvet has two separate programs: * Velveth * Makes the k-mers and * Efficiently counts (hashes) them * All in O(N) time * Velvetg * Makes the graph - O(U) time. U = unique k-mers. * Simplifies it * Makes contigs - O(E) time. E = edges in graph But: You need to choose **k** and **c** wisely! ] --- .enlarge120[ # **Velvet - Paired end scaffolding** * Breadcrumb algorithm ]  --- .enlarge120[ # **Extensions of the idea** ] --- .enlarge120[ # **SPAdes** .pull-right[.image-50[]]] .enlarge120[ * de Bruijn graph assembler by Pavel Pevzner's group out of St. Petersburg * Uses multiple k-mers to build the graph * Graph has connectivity **and** specificity * Usually use a low, medium and high k-mer size together. * Performs error correction on the reads first * Maps reads back to the contigs and scaffolds as a check * Under active development * Much slower than Velvet * Should be used in preference to Velvet now. ] --- .enlarge120[ # **A move back to OLC**] .pull-left[ .enlarge120[ * New long read technologies * PacBio and MinIon * Assemblers: HGap, CANU * Use overlap, layout consensus approach * CANU can perform hybrid assemblies with long and short reads ] ] .pull-right[  ] --- .enlarge120[# **Bandage** * Assembly graph viewer and manipulator * Written by Ryan Wick of Centre for Systems Genomics - Uni. Melbourne, Australia ]  --- ### <i class="fas fa-key" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">keypoints</span> Key points - We learned about how the choice of k-mer size will affect assembly outcomes - We learned about the strategies that assemblers use to make reference genomes - We performed a number of assemblies with Velvet and SPAdes. - You should use SPAdes or another more modern assembler than Velvet for actual assemblies now. --- ## Thank You! This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the [Galaxy Training Network]( and all the contributors!
Simon Gladman
Tutorial Content is licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License