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- Coloc-stats
- CorGAT
- CoralSNP
- CropGalaxy
- Dintor
- Galaxy@AuBi
- Galaxy@Pasteur
- GalaxyTrakr
- Genomic Hyperbrowser
- GigaGalaxy
- Lebanese University Galaxy
- Oqtans
- PepSimili
- Viral Variant Visualizer (VVV)
Relevant Tutorials
- Assembly / Making sense of a newly assembled genome
- Climate / Getting your hands-on climate data
- Ecology / RAD-Seq Reference-based data analysis
- Epigenetics / ATAC-Seq data analysis
- Epigenetics / CUT&RUN data analysis
- Evolution / Identifying tuberculosis transmission links: from SNPs to transmission clusters
- Genome Annotation / Identification of AMR genes in an assembled bacterial genome
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / NGS data logistics
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry imaging: Finding differential analytes
- Microbiome / Clinical Metaproteomics 2: Discovery
- Microbiome / Clinical Metaproteomics 4: Quantitation
- Microbiome / Clinical Metaproteomics 5: Data Interpretation
- Microbiome / Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data
- Microbiome / Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data (short)
- Microbiome / Pathogen detection from (direct Nanopore) sequencing data using Galaxy - Foodborne Edition
- Proteomics / Statistical analysis of DIA data
- Proteomics / DIA Analysis using OpenSwathWorkflow
- Proteomics / Clinical Metaproteomics 2: Discovery
- Proteomics / Clinical Metaproteomics 4: Quantitation
- Proteomics / Clinical Metaproteomics 5: Data Interpretation
- Proteomics / Mass spectrometry imaging: Loading and exploring MSI data
- Proteomics / Label-free data analysis using MaxQuant
- Proteomics / MaxQuant and MSstats for the analysis of label-free data
- Proteomics / metaQuantome 1: Data creation
- Proteomics / Neoantigen 3: Database merge and FragPipe discovery
- Proteomics / Peptide and Protein ID using OpenMS tools
- Proteomics / Peptide and Protein ID using SearchGUI and PeptideShaker
- Proteomics / Peptide and Protein Quantification via Stable Isotope Labelling (SIL)
- Proteomics / Secretome Prediction
- Sequence analysis / Removal of human reads from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
- Transcriptomics / Pathway analysis with the MINERVA Platform
- Variant Analysis / Avian influenza viral strain analysis from gene segment sequencing data
- Variant Analysis / Pox virus genome analysis from tiled-amplicon sequencing data
- Variant Analysis / From NCBI's Sequence Read Archive (SRA) to Galaxy: SARS-CoV-2 variant analysis
- Variant Analysis / Somatic Variant Discovery from WES Data Using Control-FREEC
- Visualisation / Visualisation with Circos